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Enhanced Safety with a Professionally Installed Fence

The Inspection

An initial assessment was conducted to determine the scope of work for a landscape improvement project. The task involved the removal and installation of landscape timber across a linear stretch of 43 feet. The pre-project inspection confirmed the need to replace a total of 130 pieces of existing landscape wood.

The Process

The project commenced with the removal of 130 pieces of landscape wood, followed by the excavation of a 1.5-foot-deep trench along the 43-foot length to accommodate the new installation. High-strength concrete mix was poured into the trench to create a solid foundation. Subsequently, 130 pieces of landscape timber wood were installed post by post to ensure precision and stability. Additionally, 43 extra pieces of marked landscape timber wood, measuring 4 inches by 3 inches, were removed and replaced as part of the project's detailed enhancement process.

The Result

The project replaced 130 landscape timbers and added 43 more, enhancing the visual appeal and structural integrity. High-strength concrete ensures longevity, and meticulous installation guarantees a high-quality finish. Overall, the landscape’s functionality and aesthetics have significantly improved, reflecting excellence in outdoor space improvement.