(703) 249-4504
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Concrete Porch & Foundation Wall Restoration

The Inspection

The client requested renovation of the concrete areas around the house, including the foundation wall above grade, the walkway, and the Porch. These areas had not been maintained, resulting in peeling paint on the foundation wall and deterioration of the walkway up to the house entrance. If left unattended, it could have caused major problems with the Homeowners Association due to the poor look of the house.

The Process

Our team first had to remove the flaking paint, followed by applying a thin layer of cement and ensuring the walkway was fully covered for an improved finish. Lastly, we applied a special paint designed for concrete surfaces. The most challenging step was the application of the cement on the walkway, made difficult by the deteriorated state of the concrete.

The Result

The client was amazed by the transformation from before to after, praising the supervisor’s exemplary attention and the team’s expert conduct during the project.