(703) 249-4504
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A Successful basement entrance restoration

The Inspection

The homeowner made a request to replace the walls in their basement due to the unsightly appearance caused by rot. Upon inspection, it was discovered that the concrete and cement of the walls had suffered extensive damage and were also broken. It was determined that the walls were in contact with the soil from the garden, resulting in water accumulation during irrigation. This issue could have been prevented if waterproof protection had been applied.

The Process

The process began by removing all the damaged concrete from the walls. After this, the stairs were drilled, which was the most complex stage due to the high force requirements. Due to the difficulty of removing the concrete, this stage took longer than expected. Subsequently, concrete blocks were placed on all the walls, which were then secured with cement to create a smooth surface. Finally, a special paint was applied to provide waterproof protection, resulting in a long-lasting finish.

The Result

We got some great feedback from our client about project. She was super happy with how it turned out and couldn’t believe the transformation from before to after. She also really appreciated our top-notch customer service, expertise, and how well we kept them in the loop throughout the whole project.